
Bad Bunny thinks highly of Kendall Jenner’s lavish property


Kathleen and Tommy Clements and Waldo Fernandez were unprepared for their 24-year-old ꜱᴜρег customer. Unlike her relatives, she has varied and quirky tastes. Tommy says that Jenner, the world’s highest-paid model, was humble and down-to-earth when the team met her.

I like homes with character. Jenner’s description of the building’s peaceful Spanish-style, farmhouse-style feel embodies Los Angeles’ hybridized, pan-Mediterranean design. Because my life is busy, full of travel, and high energy, I needed a calm house to unwind in.

Jenner turned two of the building’s five bedrooms into glam and fitting rooms without altering its structure. The living room showcases the young model’s love of warm, natural textures, earthy tones, and ultra-comfortable furniture.

Two large couches with a choice of cushions in ancient fabrics and a toasty fireplace at one end give adequate seating for visitors. I seldom party. Jenner says she entertains without ragers. My friends and I watch NBA games with music, candles, and the fireplace.

Jenner’s collection of modern art, which includes works by Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, Raymond Pettibon, and Sterling Ruby, adds vibrant color to the space’s understated furniture and finishes.

A computer-programmed LED light display on a James Turrell ovoid wall sculpture at the entryway greets tourists. I’ve always liked Turrell. Jenner said her brother-in-law, Kanye West, who works with him, introduced her to his art. I’m glad it’s here since I intended it to be the home’s focus.
Two 18th-century Italian painted door panels and a Tracey Emin neon piece ϲIаꜱh in her bedroom sitting space. I lived with such panels in several residences. I requested them when my mother organized a storage place. Jenner claims they recall her childhood.

The panels, along with Jenner’s arts-and-crafts room in the house’s old home cinema, are part of her attempts to create a relaxing retreat from her frantic professional life in the harsh limelight of runway shows and paparazzi.

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