
See how the fashion icon Ralph Lauren conquered the odds to build a fortune worthy of an entire fleet of mansions and supercars   Watch as fashion king Ralph Lauren has overcome difficulties to become a billionaire to own a series of villas and supercars


See how the fashion icon Ralph Lauren conquered the odds to build a fortune worthy of an entire fleet of mansions and supercars   Watch as fashion king Ralph Lauren has overcome difficulties to become a billionaire to own a series of villas and supercars

Ralph Lauren listed “millionaire” as a goal in his 1957 DeWitt High School yearbook. He was born Lipschitz in the Bronx to Jewish immigrants. He changed his nаме to Ralph Lauren after being taunted about surnамеs.



Ralph utilized movies and fantasy to escape his family’s poverty. Ralph Lauren truly got into movies. He identifies with Gary Cooper and Cary Grant. “He brought that whole fantasy world into the fashion business,” said Michael Gross, author of Genuine Authentic: The Real Life of Ralph Lauren.








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