
A look back at Angelina Jolie’s extravagant gesture: Brad Pitt’s $12.2 million birthday heart-shaped island gift to prove her love


A look back at Angelina Jolie’s extravagant gesture: Brad Pitt’s $12.2 million birthday heart-shaped island gift to prove her love

For Brad Pitt’s 50th birthday, Angelina Jolie bought a heart-shaped island for 12.2 million pounds.

The golden duo Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt always inspires.

According to Dailymail, Angelina Jolie bought the island after seeing two Frank Lloyd Wright residences, which Brad Pitt adored.

Angelina promptly booked a visit after learning the island was for sale and was charmed by the landscape. The home has lovely pathways. Private space.

In 2008, the second home on Petra Island was erected from Wright’s blueprints 48 years after his ԀеатҺ.

The island home has the nicest wood on the ceiling and a view. The kitchen is large, and the home is adorned with intricately carved wooden seats that face the outdoors so visitors can see the full scene.

Brad loves Frank Lloyd Wright. He said Wright transformed his life.

Brad accompanied Angelina to a Wright-designed Pennsylvania waterfall in 2006. One guide claimed he was thrilled when he heard about it.

In Australia, the actress is directing Unbroken. She was also said to have leased a property in Vaucluse, France.

The International Business Times ranks Angelina’s rental property among Vaucluse’s five most opulent.

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