
Passionate about owning distinctive supercars, Wizkid chose to expand his supercar collection with the addition of a rare Lamborghini Urus, a luxury supercar valued at tens of millions

With a passion for owning unique supercars, Wizkid made the decision to enhance his supercar collection by acquiring a rare Lamborghini Urus worth tens of milliоns.

This addition to Wizkid’s automotive portfolio marked a moment of opulence, with the maestro investing a staggering ₦350 million in November 2018.

The transaction, valued at $280,000 during that period, showcased Wizkid’s commitment to vehicular magnificence.

In a grand unveiling, Wizkid shared a glimpse of the Lamborghini Urus with his admirers through an Instagram video, showcasing the resplendent design and precision engineering of this automotive masterpiece.

Over time, the value of this coveted car has appreciated, not only reflecting Wizkid’s refined taste but also highlighting the investment wisdom associated with such acquisitions. What began as a transaction has evolved into a symbol of enduring luxury and appreciation, embodying the dynamic essence of Wizkid’s ever-evolving journey of success.

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