
Discover the Eco-Friendly Floating Condos Redefining Waterfront Living


Discover the Eco-Friendly Floating Condos Redefining Waterfront Living

If Anthénea has her way, a luxurious, environmentally friendly floating oasis could be heading to a city near you. After debuting a groundbreaking prototype in 2019, the French company has announced it will release the first dome-shaped residences in early 2020.

The completely autonomous pod simply known as Anthénea has travelled a long way. French naval architect Jean-Michel Duacancelle drew inspiration for the original design from the villain’s stronghold in the 1977 James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me. It has taken more than 15 years and more than five prototypes to construct the UFO-like structure, but it is now ready to take to the seas.

The refined Anthénea has a 31-foot diameter and can accommodate either two adults or a family of four. Upscale interior amenities include a lounge, bar and kitchenette, while the rooftop bar/solarium can accommodate up to 12 guests.

The Anthénea’s ability to seamlessly integrate with the marine environment is, arguably, its finest quality. The company refers to it as a “lotus flower” because it floats on the surface of the water and “has no impact on the underwater ecosystem.” The pod is equipped with solar panels and is entirely powered by renewable energy. It is also furnished with a sand screw and an innovative anchoring system that causes minimal damage to the ocean floor.

Additional green technology includes a saltwater filtration system and a refuse treatment system approved by the United States Coast Guard. Additionally, the structure is 100 percent recyclable, resulting in zero waste at the end of its lifecycle.

The Anthénea can be equipped with propulsion and navigated with a joystick if visitors desire a change of scenery. The module can also be moored like regular vessels and can reportedly remain stable in winds up to Force 6 and 27 knots.

Anthénea asserts that the pods can be used as exclusive oceanfront condominiums, but the company is also seeking to partner with hoteliers around the world to establish pod-based floating resorts. The Anthénea could also be configured as a luxury Airbnb, floating retreat, or restaurant.

As for price, the entry-level Anthénea begins at approximately $365,000, while high-end models, such as the floating leisure version, cost $730,000. According to the company, any orders submitted in June and July of this year will be delivered at the start of 2022.

In the aftermath of Covid-19, secluded sanctuaries for both short- and long-term stays are in high demand. Anthénea is not the only business selling floating condominiums. The Miami-based company Arkup recently released its first eco-friendly “livable yacht” for $5.5 million, with additional designs forthcoming.

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